
Van Gogh Museum

Burleson HR Consulting heeft voor mij met optimaal resultaat nieuwe technisch applicatiebeheerders gevonden. Ik heb Norbert leren kennen als een gedreven HRsearcher, leverde snel de goede en vakkundige medewerkers die nog steeds na volle tevredenheid werkzaam zijn op mijn ICT-Beheer afdeling.

AOS Studley

We hired Norbert at first to fill my position as HR Officer during my maternity leave. He kept the department going and made improvements for our recruitment. He did this with great expertise and drive. His connection to our employees and understanding of the kind of people and profiles we are always looking for made him our go-to supplier for recruitment assistence after his period as an interim HR Officer.


We hired Norbert for a relative long time. We almost forgot we hired him because he became a true colleague. Need I say more?!

Crust Young Consultants New York Inc.

Norbert has helped us to find the right people fit for the job at AOS Studley. He made sure he understood our business and our culture very well. Norbert brings a lot of joy and energy and he was, and still is, a fine ambassador of our company. In his interviews he approaches candidates with respect and he thouroughly explores the strenghts, weaknesses and motivation of people. A true involved professional!

Interim Senior Recruiter ENECO

Interim Senior Recruiter op het Eneco Recruitment Center, verantwoordelijk voor alle functies voor de divisie; Infra, Meet-Regeldienst, B2B en Services. ICT, Finance en Managerial posities.

Verantwoordelijke HR; Mevr. Desiree Dongelmans

Human Resource Coordinator Services

Coordinatie Human Resources voor Eneco Services. Recruitment, verlof en verzuim, kengetallen instroom en uitstroom. Personeelsmutaties en administratie tbv unit Services.

HR Recruiment

Werving en Selectie van cabine en passage personeel. Coaching en Training van medewerkers tbv afdeling Recruitment.